A series of tests that were conducted at the HAS University of Applied Sciences in ‘s Hertogenbosch have shown that growing lettuce on water with 100% plant-based fertilisers from Biota Nutri gives the same yield and quality as using conventional fertilisers.
To research the difference with conventional fertilisers a bioreactor was used. The first results are very promising: there are no visual differences between conventional growing and the plants that were grown with fertilisers from Biota Nutri. The lettuce heads on both ponds were equal in size and the roots look identical as well. This shows that sustainable and organic growing can go hand in hand with great quality and quantity of the products.
Follow-up tests will be done to verify the results and to learn more about the difference between these two cultivation systems. Primarily we see a nice confirmation of something we secretly already knew: organic and sustainable growing is the way forward!
The photos below show that growing lettuce using Biota fertilisers (left) gives the same results as with conventional fertilisers (right).